The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 319

show their deeds in eternal vistas and continually gain their owners reward, seemed so agreeable to me, I cannot describe it.

Then, when ‘the worldly’ had isolated me from everything to do with social life and kept me from all my books, friends, assistants, and the things that console me, and I was being crushed by the desolation of exile and my empty world was tumbling down all around me, one of the many fruits of belief in the angels came to my assistance. It cheered up the universe and my world, filling it with angels and spirit beings, and making my world laugh for joy.41 It showed too that the worlds of the people of misguidance weep in desolation, emptiness, and darkness. While enjoying the pleasures of this fruit, my imagination plucked one of the numerous fruits of belief in the prophets, which resembles it, and tasted it. Then suddenly my belief that all the prophets of the past were as though living, and my assent to them, lit up those times and made my belief universal and expanded it, and set thousands of signatures to their teachings concerning belief in the Prophet of the End of Time (PBUH), silencing the Satans.

Then, a question occurred to me the decisive answer to which is included in the Thirteenth Flash, about the wisdom in seeking refuge with God from Satan. In meaning it asked me: “The people of guidance are assisted and strengthened by innumerable sweet fruits and benefits like these, the fine results of good deeds, and the Most Merciful of the Merciful’s compassionate succour and assistance, so why are they frequently defeated by the people of misguidance, and sometimes twenty or a hundred of them are routed?” While pondering over this, I recalled the mobilizations and angels in the Qur’an in the face of Satan’s feeble machinations, and Almighty God’s sending assistance to the people of belief. Since the Risale-i Nur has explained the purpose and wisdom of this with decisive proofs, we shall here allude to it only briefly.

Yes, sometimes in the face of a single vandal trying to set fire to a palace which a hundred men have made, the palace can remain standing only through a hundred men protecting it and by having recourse to the government and the king. For its existence is possible only through the existence of all its conditions and causes, but its

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