The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 318

The Eleventh Topic

[Hundreds of the innumerable fruits, particular and universal, of the sacred tree of belief, one of which is Paradise, another, eternal happiness, and another, the vision of God, have been set forth with proofs and explanations in the Risale-i Nur. Referring further explanation of them to Siracü’n-Nur (The Illuminating Lamp), therefore, here shall be set out a few examples of its particular and special fruits, rather than its universal pillars.]

One of these: One day while reciting in a supplication: “O My Sustainer! In veneration of Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, and Azra’il, and through their intercession, preserve me from the evil of men and jinn,” I experienced an exceedingly pleasant and consoling state of mind on mentioning the name of Azra’il, which generally makes people tremble in fear. “All praise be to God!” I exlaimed, and began to feel earnest love for him. I shall point out extremely briefly only one particular fruit of the many of this particular aspect of the pillar of belief in the angels.

Another: Everyone’s most precious possession and the one over which they most tremble, is their spirit. I felt sure that to surrender it to a strong and trustworthy hand thereby preserving it from being lost and annihilated and from aimlessness, afforded a profound joy. Then the angels who record men’s actions came to mind; I saw that they yielded numerous sweet fruits like the previous one.

Another: Everyone tries earnestly to preserve through writing, poetry, or even the cinema, a worthwhile saying or deed, in order to immortalize it. Particularly if the deeds produce everlasting fruits in Paradise, they are even more anxious to preserve them. The recording angels hovering over men’s shoulders so that they may

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