The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 377

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

There are three further points concerning the subtle point I wrote to you yesterday:

The First: As a representative of the collective personality of a blessed group that will be formed in the future, through the blessings of that collective personality, the bolted door opened of its own accord; again, they were angry with a representative of a blessed group which is now in existence meeting with me for half a minute, after ten years. I too was angered, and again said: “Let the doors close!” The following morning —it had never happened before— the guards’ doors closed, and did not open for two hours.

Second Elegant Point: I sent a note to the public prosecutor by means of the prison governor. I said in it: “I am being kept in isolation and I can’t meet with anyone. Even if I was to, I do not know anyone in this town. ... with someone from the town council here... and so on.” Later the prosecutor asked if I was in solitary confinement. The prison governor said: “No.” Both of them objected to my note. The same day, a distant and half crazy relation came and visited me for half a minute, and it was portrayed in such a way as to show that I had never been in solitary confinement. Their objections rebounded on themselves.

The Third: The noise of the troublesome youths next door to me between the evening and night prayers disturbed me, but not too much. It was that day that they found an excuse and shut the door. The foul stench also grew worse in my cell, and the din the youths made by my door disturbed me excessively. I again said: “Let the doors close! Why are they doing this?” That morning, the incident occurred.

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