The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 378

My Brothers!

The two Topics you have written in the new letters have had a tremendous effect. It will be excellent if the First, Second, and Third Topics are written out as well. But I find it worrying if it is Husrev and Tahiri who do this since their pens are particularly suited to the Qur’an and the Qur’anic script, and are charged with it. It will better if others write them.

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My Dear Brothers!

For the past year I have been using an amount, that is, around a kilo, of vermicelli and rice. I have no doubt that they are a means of plenty. But you do not leave them with me now so that I can cook them. So I give them to you as a gift, as a means to blessings and plenty. On one occasion, I saw a wondrous increase in the star-shaped vermicelli. I used to dry the pieces after cooking them. I myself and others saw that one single piece was ten times larger than normal.

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My Dear Brothers!

Last night while I was reciting my invocations, the guards and others could hear me. I wondered anxiously to myself if such a display did not decrease the merit. Then I remembered a famous saying of Hujjat al-Islam Imam Ghazali: “Sometimes doing something openly is better than concealing it.” That is, in many ways it may be far more meritorious to do something openly, for others may benefit from it, or copy it, or be aroused from heedlessness; or it may be display the marks of Islam in the face of those who persist in misguidance or vice, and preserve the dignity of religion. Especially at this time and if done by those who have learnt thoroughly the lessons of sincerity, and no hidden artificiality intervenes. I thought of this and was consoled.

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