The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 379

Two days ago, the examining magistrate summoned me, and when wondering how I could defend my brothers, I opened the Hizb al-Masun of Imam Ghazali. These verses struck my eye:

Verily God will defend [from ill] those who believe.16 * their light runs forward before them and by their right hands.17 * God watches over them.18 * For those... is [every] blessedness.19

I saw that if the doubling and madda (long a) are not counted —the waw is also a madda— according to abjad and jafr reckoning, it makes one thousand three hundred and sixty-two, which is exactly this year’s date; both its meaning and number coincide with the time we resolved to defend our believing brothers. All praise be to God, I said, this leaves no need for my defence. Then the thought “I wonder how it will turn out” occurred to me. I was curious. I saw that according to jafr reckoning, on condition the tanwin is counted, the two phrases God watches over them and Tuba (blessedness) make exactly one thousand three hundred and sixty-two. If one madda is not counted, it makes two, and if it is counted, three. Coinciding exactly —at this time we are so needy for Divine preservation— with this year’s date, and with next year’s date, it consoles us with the assurance that we shall be preserved, despite an awesome assault against us which has been prepared over the last year on a grand scale and over a wide field. The Risale-i Nur’s making more brilliant conquests in ruling circles due to this episode means that its temporary arrest does not and should not cause us to despair. Also I consider The Supreme Sign’s being confiscated due to its printing to be a proclamation, attracting attention from all quarters to its shining station. I have just read the verse,

O our Sustainer! Perfect our light for us, and grant us forgiveness.20

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