The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 400

In His Name, be He glorified!

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

Our escaping from this calamity and being saved from it is impossible in two respects:

The First: Since Divine Determining appointed that we should meet part of our fate here, we would anyway have come here. This way is therefore the best.

The Second: We found no way of being saved from the plots that were being hatched against us. I perceived them, but there was no way out. The unfortunate late Shaykh Abdülhakim, and Shaykh Abdülbaki could find no way to save themselves. This means that to complain about one another in this calamity is both unjust, and meaningless, and harmful, and is to feel a sort of offence at the Risale-i Nur. Beware! To consider some of the activities of the leading students to be the cause of this calamity and to feel indignant at them, is to withdraw from the Risale-i Nur and regret having learnt the truths of belief. This is a far greater calamity than the material calamity. I swear that although my share of this calamity is twenty or thirty times greater than each of yours, because they have acted with a pure intention, I would not be annoyed at them even if the calamity, which occurred due to lack of caution, was ten times greater. It is also meaningless to object to things that are past, because they cannot be repaired.

My Brothers! Anxiety doubles the calamity; it also roots the physical calamity in the heart; it also suggests objection to and criticism of Divine Determining and accusation against Divine mercy. Since everything has a good side and in everything is a manifestation of Divine mercy, and Divine Determining works with justice and wisdom; we are surely bound not to give importance to any slight trouble we may suffer as a result of the sacred task we are performing which concerns the whole Islamic world at this time.

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