The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 402

of war in extraordinary fashion. Also, just as the exact coinciding of those who impede the Risale-i Nur’s service or those who err in that service receiving blows either of compassion or wrath, cannot be mere chance —of which there have been hundreds of incidents; so too the thousands of incidents of, almost without exception, all those who serve the Risale-i Nur well experiencing plenty in their livelihoods and ease of mind and happiness, cannot be mere chance.

My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

According to the inner meanings of “good is in what God chooses,” and,

It may be that you hate a thing and it is good for you,34

the most confidential pieces of the Risale-i Nur have emerged from behind the veil of “sirran tenevveret”35 so as to come into the possession of the most undesirable people, to strike the arrogant, and show up the errors of those at the top. They wanted to make the matter appear unimportant, but somehow or other they understood that it has great importance, and attracting attention to it in a big way, leads to shining triumphs for the Risale-i Nur and its enemies being made to read it in wonderment. In fact, it illuminated many hesitant, bewildered, and needy people during the Eskishehir trials, and saved them, transforming our hardships into mercy. God willing, on this occasion it will perform that sacred service on a wider scale, in many courts and centres. Yes, those who see the Risale-i Nur’s style and explanations cannot remain indifferent to it. It not only makes the mind and heart submit like other works, it also conquers the soul and emotions.

Your being released causes no harm to this fact, but my acquittal would be detrimental. Even my soul agrees to sacrifice for a truth that concerns the whole Islamic world not only the life of this world but if necessary that of the next, and to sacrifice through the Risale-i Nur my own happiness for that of the people of belief.

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