The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 403

[Included here is the continuation of the earthquake incident from Husrev’s letter; the beginning is not included.]

I later saw in another newspaper, the following amazing, complementary facts: before the earthquake, the cats and dogs gathered together in groups of four or five. They silently sat down together looking at each other pensively and blankly, then dispersed. None of these animals was to be seen either during the earthquake, or immediately before it, or after it; they disappeared into the countryside away from the towns. Another strange thing they write is that these animals gave news of the coming disaster, which resulted from our sins, through the tongue of disposition, and they did not understand it and are amazed.

Among the hundreds of things that for years Bediuzzaman has predicted in the Risale-i Nur, is that the atheists should avoid interfering with the Risale-i Nur and its students, for if harm comes to them, the disasters waiting in the offing will make them regret it a hundred time over. The earthquake verified this with its signature, then four more disasters occurred... May Almighty God bestow belief on our hearts and on the hearts of those who attack the Risale-i Nur, and give them minds that will recognize the truth, and save us from these dungeons and them from disasters. Amen.

H u s r e v

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My Dear, Loyal Brothers and Companions in Disaster!

There being blessed scholars, good organizers, and sincerely devoted students among you, I felt firmly confident that you would preserve your unity and solidarity in the face of our powerful, cunning, and numerous enemies. I felt easy and was not preoccupied with you. But it has now become necessary to explain a number of matters.

The First: I was not going to send anything to Ankara, lest it delay your release. But since the court mixed up the treatises that are confidential and those which are not and the old letters and the new, and sent them to Ankara, it was essential to send to those

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