The Rays | The Thirteenth Ray | 404

departments Müdafaat Risalesi (The Defences), which supplies extremely powerful replies concerning the confidential treatises, especially the Sufyan and Islamic Dajjal (Antichrist) in the Fifth Ray, and The Fruits of Belief, which smashes the arrogant disbelief arising from Naturalist philosophy and its insolent attacks on belief, so that the committee of experts there would not base their judgements on those confidential treatises and rule against us like the first committee.

The Second Point: My Dear Brothers! While writing the reply to your important letter, they gave me the same letter. I had begun the Second Point and it remained unfinished. Now I am completing it, so take note of it. If this idea is given currency by your useless lawyer, it is doubtless a plan of those who are seeking our conviction, so that like the committee of experts here, the committe in Ankara will take as basic the unpublished confidential treatises, and especially the Fifth Ray, extend them to the whole Risale-i Nur then confiscate it, and inferring that the matters discussed in the Fifth Ray are what all the wretched students study who read the Risale-i Nur, have them all convicted due to my crime. The prison governor and assistant prosecutor’s making difficulties for me by preventing me from speaking and confiscating what I have written is a powerful sign that the intention is for Ankara to make the ruling against us before the irrefutable replies of the defences reach there.

The Third Point: In fact, the Chairman of the Court said that day that he was going to send the books, documents, and defences of importance, which would prolong the case, to Ankara. These have certainly arrived by now. If my two well-set-out and explicatory defence speeches are sent, they may solve the case quickly; it would not be prolonged but expedited, and those with families released. But myself and those like me who have no one, we should not be released, but remain in prison, for it is the best place to defend the truths of belief against the atheists and apostates.

Fourth Point: If the Risale-i Nur is not acquitted and my defence is not taken into consideration, your apparent denial will not save you; because of its all being the same question, we are all bound together. Only a very few of our friends who have a slight connection might be saved. Eskishehir Court demonstrated this in fact. For the past year they have planted spies among us who carefully record the

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