The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 436

 Qur’anic verses, because they contravened the present law although they had been written thirty years previously, on two of the four hundred pages of Zülfikâr; and the Denizli and Ankara Committees of Experts questioned only fifteen errors; and since up to the present it has been the means of reforming the characters of hundreds of thousands of people, the Risale-i Nur has brought to pass a thousand things widely beneficial for this country and nation; —since this is so, which principle of the Government of the Republic does it conform to, to arrest in this work-season and bitter winter unfortunates like the Çaliskan’s who serve me seeking God’s pleasure, because they have performed some small service for the Risale-i Nur, or written out one of its treatises because it had saved their belief, and were brotherly towards me out of kindness because I was elderly and a stranger in Emirdag? Which of its laws would permit such a thing?

Since in accordance with the law of freedom of conscience the principles of the Republic do not interfere with those without religion, surely it necessitates that they do not interfere with religiously-minded people who are not involved in the world as far as it is possible, and do not dispute with the worldly, and strive usefully for their lives in the hereafter, their belief, and their country too. I know that the politicians who govern in Asia, where the prophets appeared, will not, and cannot, ban taqwa and good works, which for a thousand years have been as essential for this nation as food and medicine. Humanity demands that anything not conforming to the current view in the above questions is overlooked, since, having lived in solitude for twenty years, they were asked with the head of the Said of twenty years ago.

I consider it my patriotic duty to recall the following, for the benefit of the country, nation, and public security: to arrest and make resentful in this way because of some slight connection with me and the Risale-i Nur, may turn against the Government numerous people who are religiously beneficial for the country and its security, thus opening up the way to anarchy. Yes, there are far in excess of a hundred thousand people who have saved their belief through the Risale-i Nur and have become harmless and highly beneficial for the nation. With their moderation and usefulness, they are perhaps to be found in every large department of the Government of the Republic and in every level of society. It is essential that these people are not offended but protected.

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