The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 437

I feel a strong anxiety that certain official persons who do not heed our complaints nor allow us to speak out, and repress us on various pretexts are opening up the way to anarchy to the harm of this country.

Also, for the good of the Government I say this: since the courts of both Denizli and Ankara scrutinized the Fifth Ray, and did not object to it but returned it to us, it is essential for the Government that proceedings are not reopened officially, giving rise to rumours and gossip. Just as I concealed the treatise before it passed into the hands of the courts and they publicized it, so the Afyon authorities and Court should not make it the object of question and answer. For it is powerful and irrefutable. It made predictions, and they turned out right. Moreover, its aim is not this world, at the most one of its many meanings fits a person who is dead and gone. For the sake of the country, nation, public order, and government, I am bound by conscience to warn against making those predictions and meanings official due to bigoted friendship for him, and further publicizing it by reprimanding us.


To the Afyon Public Prosecutor and the Chairman and Members of the Court

[I am presenting to you in order to protect my rights, exactly the same nine ‘Principles’ which I presented to the Denizli judicial authorities.]

Twenty years ago I abandoned social life, and especially official, refined, political life such as this. I do not know what position should be taken in such situations, and I do not think of it, and to think of it causes me acute distress. But I am compelled to present this disorganized defence and petition, which is the conclusion and summary of the answers I gave to the numerous, repetitious, and haphazard questions of an unfair member of another court of law. Perhaps it lacks order and contains irrelevant and unnecessary repetitions, vehement

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