The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 439

can attack me and my brothers like me on grounds of governmental wisdom, the laws of politics, and principles of justice; and if they do, it is bound to be due to delusions, or out of hatred or obduracy.

Third Principle: I am obliged to give the following lengthy details because of the meaningless and unnecessary objections of the public prosecutor of the former court, which he made due to a misunderstanding concerning not the law, but his bigoted love of a certain dead person.

Firstly: Before it fell into the hands of the Government, I treated the Fifth Ray as confidential. Moreover, it was not found in any of the searches. Also, its purpose was only to save the ordinary people from doubts concerning their beliefs and from denying allegorical Hadiths. It looks to worldly aspects of the Hadiths only indirectly, in third or fourth place. The predictions it makes are true. Moreover, it does not contest the politicians and worldly; it only makes predictions. Also, it does not specify anyone. It explains in general fashion a true meaning of a Hadith. But they applied that general truth to a fearsome person living in this century. They therefore objected to it, supposing it had been written in recent years. In fact, the original of the treatise was previous to the Darü’l-Hikmet. But it was set in order some time later, and included in the Risale-i Nur. It was like this:

Forty years ago, the year before the Proclamation of the Constitution,6 I came to Istanbul. The Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese army had asked some questions of the Istanbul ‘ulama at that time. The Istanbul hojas asked me about them. They asked me many things in that connection.

For instance, they asked me about a Hadith which says: “At the end of time, a fearsome individual will rise in the morning and on his forehead will be written: ‘This is an infidel.’”7 I told them: “This extraordinary person will come to lead this nation; he will rise in the morning, put a [brimmed] hat on his head, and make others wear it.”

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