The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 450

Also, because I criticised the evils and faults of civilization, unimaginable things are ascribed to me in the police reports: as though I do not accept the use of the radio,14 aeroplane and railway, they accuse me of being opposed to modern progress.

Making a comparison with these examples, God willing, like the just and fair Denizli public prosecutor, Afyon Court will show how contrary to justice this treatment is, and will attach no importance to the delusions in those police reports.

The strangest error is this: in one place I said: although mankind should have responded with endless thanks to Almighty God’s supreme bounties of the aeroplane, railway, and radio, they did not respond in that way, so He rained down bombs on their heads from the ’planes. The radio is also a supreme bounty, and thanks for it may be shown by making it a universal reciter of the Qur’an with millions of tongues, allowing all the people on the face of the earth to listen to it. Also, I said when explaining in the Twentieth Word that the Qur’an makes predictions about the future wonders of civilization, that one of its verses indicates that the infidels will defeat the Islamic world with the railway. Although I had urged Islam to lay hold of these wonders, some of the prosecutors in previous courts, accused us of being against modern progress, and made the aeroplane, railway, and radio the basis of charges against us.

Also, although it is completely unrelated, someone said about the name ‘Risaletü’n-Nur,’ which is a second name of the Risale-i Nur, that “it is a message (risalet) from the light of the Qur’an, that is, it is inspired by it, and is an heir performing the function of Divine messengership, of the Shari‘a.” In another place in the indictment, it was given the wrong meaning and made the basis of other charges, as though I had said: “the Risale-i Nur is a Divine Messenger (resûl).”

I have also proved with decisive arguments in twenty places in my defence speeches that even if it was for the whole world, we would not exploit either religion, or the Qur’an, or the Risale-i Nur, and they may not be exploited, and that we would not change one of

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