The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 451

their truths for rule over the whole world, and that is how we are in fact. There have been thousands of indications of what I claim over the last twenty years. But from the way the interrogations at Afyon are going, and its indictment, we are being accused due to other police reports of expending all our efforts on worldly intrigues, and hastening to the hateful games of this world, and making religion the tool of lowly things and degrading its sacredness, and making these our aim. Since it is thus, with all my strength I say: For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs!

S a i d N u r s i


In His Name, be He glorified!

An Addendum to My Written Objections to the Charges

Made Against Us by Afyon Court

[Those I address in this objection are not the Afyon Prosecutor and Court, but the spiteful and suspicious officials who due to the false and defective reports of public prosecutors in other places and informers and detectives, have turned against us the extraordinary situation here and in the office of the examining magistrate.]

Firstly: Just how far from justice it is to call the Risale-i Nur students, who are innocent and have no connection with politics, a political society, which is completely baseless and never even occurred to us, and to accuse the unfortunates who embraced the Risale-i Nur and have no aim other than belief and the hereafter, of publishing works for that society, or being active officers or members of it, or of reading the Risale-i Nur or teaching it to others, or of writing it out, thus deeming them guilty of some crime, and to

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