The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 454

Government’s laws, which suit our caprices, which are illicit in the eyes of civilization. In which case, they are a political society which opposes the Government.”

So I say: You wretches! If the world was eternal, and man was going to remain in it permanently, and his only duty was politics, perhaps there would have been some meaning in your slander. But if I had undertaken this work with a view to politics, you would have found not ten sentences in a hundred treatises, but a thousand, to be political and combative. If to suppose the impossible, like you, we had been working with all our strength for worldly aims and pleasures and politics, which not even Satan could make anyone accept, even if it had been thus, since these twenty years there has been no incident in which we were involved, and the Government looks not to the heart but to the hand, and all governments have fierce opponents, you cannot deem us guilty in the name of the law. My last word is

God suffices me, there is no god but He; in Him do I place my trust — He the Sustainer of the Throne [of Glory] Supreme!15


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