The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 452

send them to court — a proof of how far this is from justice is as follows:

In accordance with the principles of freedom of thought and freedom of scholarship, those who read the harmful works written to oppose the Qur’an by Doctor Dozy and other atheists are not considered to have committed crimes, yet those who have great need to learn the truths of the Qur’an and belief and long to do so, and read and write out the Risale-i Nur, which teaches those truths as clearly as daylight, are considered guilty of crimes. Also, they based their allegations on a few sentences in one or two treatises which we had treated as confidential before they were exhibited in court, so that among a hundred other treatises a wrong meaning should not be given them, and accusations were made concerning them. However, with the exception of one of those treatises, Eskishehir Court scrutinized them and objected only to one or two matters in Treatise On Islamic Dress, and the exception is replied to extremely decisively in both my petition and my objections to the indictment; and the fact that “we have light in our hands, not the club of politics” was proved conclusively from twenty angles in Eskishehir Court; and Denizli Court scrutinized all the treatises of the Risale-i Nur without exception and did not object to any of them. Nevertheless, those unfair prosecutors extended those three or four sentences to the whole Risale-i Nur, and just as they confiscated the four-hundred-page Zülfikâr because of two pages, so they stated those who read and write out the Risale-i Nur were guilty of a crime and accused myself of contesting the Government. I call on those close to me and the friends who meet with me to testify that for more than ten years, apart from two leaders, one deputy, and the Governor of Kastamonu, I have have not known who the leaders of the Government were, or who its ministers, commanders, officials, and deputies were, and I have not been curious to find out. However, one or two years ago, one or two persons displayed an interest in me and I learnt of five or six of the leading members of the Government. Is it in any way possible for someone not to know the people he is contesting, and to have no wish to know them, to attach no importance to learning whether they are friend or foe? It is understood from this that they dream up totally baseless pretexts to ruin me whatever happens.

Since that is the case, I say not to the court here but to those

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