The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 496

every century for one thousand three hundred and fifty years; it should quash the judgement.


[A piece which the court wrote with astonishment and appreciation in its decision, as though it was against us, but which in fact condemns them.]

In the Twenty-Sixth Letter, Said Nursi speaks of himself like this: “This wretched brother of yours has three personalities which are far from each other.

“T h e F i r s t : In regard to being the herald of the elevated treasury of the All-Wise Qur’an, I have a temporary personality which pertains solely to the Qur’an. The extremely exalted character demanded by the position of herald is not my character; I do not possess such a character. It rather consists of the qualities necessitated by the position and the duty. Whatever you see in me of this sort of quality, is not mine, so do not consider me as possessing it; it belongs to the position.

“T h e S e c o n d P e r s o n a l i t y : Through Almighty God’s grace, a personality is given me at the time of worship, when I am turned towards the Divine Court; this personality displays certain marks. These marks arise from “knowing one’s faults, realizing one’s want and impotence, and seeking refuge in utter humility at the Divine Court,” which are the basis and meaning of worship. Through this personality, I know myself to be more wretched, powerless, wanting, and faulty than everyone. Should the whole world praise and applaud me, they could not make me believe that I am good or possess perfection of any sort.

“T h e T h i r d : I have my true personality, that is, the degenerate personality of the Old Said, that is, certain veins of character inherited from the Old Said. Sometimes it inclines to hypocrisy and desires rank and position. Also, because I do not come of a noble family, lowly characteristics are to be observed, like my being frugal to the point of miserliness. My brothers! I am not going to describe the many secret faults and ills of this personality, lest I chase you away altogether. ... Almighty God has compassionately demonstrated His power in me so that He employs my personality,

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