The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 497

which is like that of the lowest common soldier, in serving the mysteries of the Qur’an, which resembles the most exalted position of field marshal. Thanks be to God a hundred thousand times! The soul is baser than everything, and the duty higher...”

All praise be to God, this is from the bounty of my Sustainer!


[This is a piece that badly scared the court, so that they recorded it against us in the judgement. However, those vehement words were written fifteen years ago and were afterwards softened with the following.]

This sentence should make them see fairly: “My brothers! For the sake of the innocent and the elderly, don’t take revenge on those who kill me wrongfully. The torments of the grave and Hell are enough for them.”

“In view of the treatment you have meted out to me, and your beliefs, I oppose you in general fashion. You are sacrificing your religion and life in the hereafter for the sake of your lives in this world. According to you, due to the opposition between us and contrary to you, we are always ready to sacrifice our lives in this world for our religion and for the hereafter. To sacrifice two or three years of humiliating life under your domination in order to win sacred martyrdom, is like the water of Kawthar for us. However, in order to make you tremble, relying on the effulgence and indications of the All-Wise Qur’an, I tell you this with certainty:

“You shall not live after killing me! You shall be driven out of the world, your Paradise and your beloved, by an irresistible hand, and swiftly cast into everlasting darkness. Behind me, your Nimrod-like chiefs will be quickly killed and sent to me. In the Divine presence I shall grasp hold of the scruffs of their necks, and on Divine justice casting them down to the lowest of the low, I shall take my revenge!

“O you miserable wretches who sell religion and your lives in the hereafter for this world! If you want to live, do not interfere with me! Know that if you do, vengeance shall be taken on you many times over, and tremble! I hope from Divine mercy that my death

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