The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 498

 will serve religion more than my life, and my death explode over your heads like a bomb, scattering you! Cause me trouble if you have the courage! If you do anything, you shall see!” It concludes with a Qur’anic verse.


[The court recorded this against me, despite being a passage which accuses them of being extreme.]

In Ankara, Mustafa Kemal entered the office of the Speaker of the Assembly furiously angry. He said: “We summoned you here in order to explain your important ideas to us. But you came and wrote things about the five daily prayers, and sowed discord amongst us.” Although Said told him: “Those who do not perform the prayers are traitors, and the pronouncements of traitors are to be rejected,” by way of apology Mustafa Kemal swallowed his anger. Although his feelings and principles had been wounded, no one laid a finger on the Old Said, those imperious commanders were even frightened of him. It is written that this occurred through the wondrous power of the future collective personality of the Risale-i Nur’s future heroic students, and was a shining instance of the Risale-i Nur’s wonder-working.


[A passage which was recorded against us, but which makes the court guilty.]

It is said “We do not support either intellectually or on scholarly grounds the arbitrary commands, called laws, of the commander who made Aya Sophia into a house of idols and the Shaykh al-Islam’s Office into a girls’ high school, and in respect of my person, I do not act in accordance with them.”

It is said in his petition dated 29.8.1948: “An idea occurred to me, it was like this: the fact that although for the good of the nation and country the Government should be protecting and helping me, it is oppressing me, suggests that the secret atheistic organization which struggles against me together with the section of the communist organization which has combined with that organization have gained hold of important official positions and are now

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