The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 504

[It is amazing but they turned around a sentence in the Sixteenth Flash which was in our favour, so that it was against us, and showed they were inclined to seize that valuable treatise.]

From the Sixteenth Flash: “As for the calamity of war, it would cause great harm to our service of the Qur’an. ... Like the One Powerful Over All Things sweeps and cleans in a minute the atmosphere filled with clouds and shows the shining sun in clear skies, so He may also dispel these black and merciless clouds and show the truths of the Shari‘a like the sun, and give them without expense or trouble. We await it from His mercy that He will not sell them to us expensively. May He give intelligence to the heads of those at the top, and belief to their hearts; that would be enough. Then matters would put themselves to rights.”

“Since what you hold in your hand is light, not a club, and light cannot be objected to, nor fled from, nor can harm come from showing it, why do you advise caution to your friends, and prevent them showing many light-filled parts of the Risale-i Nur to people?”

“The heads of most of those at the top are drunk and they cannot read them. And even if they do read them, they cannot understand them; they give them the wrong meaning, and interfere. In order that they do not interfere, they should not be shown them until they come to their senses. ... Therefore, I advise my brothers to be cautious and not to give the truths to those who are unfit...”


[Although the veiling of women is a Qur’anic command, and a most powerful reply has been given concerning it, and the piece was written long ago, and a prison-sentence has been served for it, they are again citing it as an offence. They are also calling a criminal offence, and attempting to confiscate, a truth written on its own from the Treatise For The Elderly which is of the greatest value and useful for everyone and was included in A Guide For Youth. These show that they have been unable to find anything.]

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