The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 506

[Those who deemed a crime this innocent, sincere, astonishing hope and desire, born of the compassion resulting from belief, are surely themselves guilty of a crime.]

Said says in one of his signed letters: “I used to be astonished at the innocent seven to ten-year-old children who would run up to me when they saw me driving around in the phaeton and hold onto my hands, and I wondered what the reason was. Then suddenly it was imparted to me that “with a premonition of the future, the group of young innocents sensed that through the Risale-i Nur they would find happiness and would be saved from spiritual dangers.”


[To deem this piece a crime although the beginning is in my favour and the end is a wish and hope, is beyond all fairness.]

It is written that a number of verses and Hadiths allude unanimously to a luminous truth this century, and point to a supreme regenerator of religion who is to come at the end of time; that the most important of the three duties of that person and community will be to save belief, and that there will be no harm in their disregarding the two duties which dominate the broad sphere, such as reviving the Shari‘a and setting up the caliphate. However, this might lead the Risale-i Nur’s opponents, particularly the politicians, to criticize and attack it, for which reason he has cut out a part of the short treatise of our precise brothers, together with some of its sentences, and will send it in amended form.

In a signed letter, Said Nursi writes: “The fact that the verses Verily We have granted you a manifest victory; * And that God may help you with powerful help35 in Qur’anic script over the gate of War Ministry, which was made into the University, were covered over by marble slabs and have now been brought to light, is a sign of the Qur’anic script again being permitted, and the aim followed by the Risale-i Nur being achieved. It is also a sign that the university will become a Risale-i Nur ‘Medrese’.”


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