The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 508

Family of Muhammad (PBUH) includes true Risale-i Nur students, I too may be thought of as belonging to the Prophet’s Family. But it is not permissible in the Risale-i Nur way to desire any sort of egotism or personality or personal rank, or to win fame and renown. Even if rank in the hereafter was given me, I would feel myself compelled to leave it aside in order not to spoil the sincerity of the Risale-i Nur. A semi-consenting reply is given,36 and the ascription of Mahdiship is clearly and decisively rejected.


[The events in this piece are facts, and since in extraordinary fashion three minutes after my saying: Don’t upset me, the earth will become angry!, there was an earthquake, this should be applauded in amazement, as is demanded by compassion, and not be made the object of criticism.]

It is said: “Ten hours after having given my statement for four hours and suffering considerable discomfort, virtually at the same time, the fire in the Ministry of Education broke out, which caused loss worth two million liras and demonstrated that the Risale-i Nur is a means of repulsing calamities. For if it is attacked, the calamities find a way and strike.”

In letter number one hundred and forty-one, it proves that the fires in the Ministry of Education in Ankara and in a garage, in a factory in Izmir, and a large building in Adana being burnt to the ground after I had given my statement for four and a half hours were not coincidence, then it says: “Don’t deprive me of my treatises, or both I and this country will pay for it; the earth will vent its anger with earthquakes. Three minutes after saying this an earthquake occurred which lasted three seconds, and the Ministry of Education was engulfed in flames; numerous earthquakes have coincided with aggression against the Risale-i Nur and its students, as has been proved four times by courts of law, which cannot be chance or coincidence. Numerous incidents have shown that the Risale-i Nur is a means of calamities being repulsed in this country.”

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