The Rays | The Fourteenth Ray | 505

After explaining that the veiling of women is a command of the Qur’an, it says in the Twenty-Fourth Flash, which is about that subject: “The fact that, according to news received, the bare-legged wife of a high-ranking man in the world was accosted by a common shoe-shiner in the country’s capital, in the market-place in daylight in front of everyone, deals a slap in the shameless faces of those opposed to the veiling of women!”

While in the Twenty-Sixth Flash, about the Elderly, it says: “I climbed to the top of Ankara citadel, which was far more aged, dilapidated, and worn out than me. It seemed to me to be formed of petrified historical events. The old age of the season of the year together with my old age, the citadel’s old age, mankind’s old age, the old age of the glorious Ottoman Empire, and the death of the Caliphate’s rule, and the world’s old age all caused me to look in the most grieved, piteous and melancholy state in that lofty citadel at the valleys of the past and the mountains of the future. ... As I sought consolation looking to the right, that is, to the past, my father and forefathers and the human race appeared in the form of a vast grave and filled me with gloom rather than consoling me. ... I looked at the present day. It appeared ... as a coffin bearing my half-dead, suffering and desperately struggling corpse.”


[They criticized the following where they should have applauded it, citing it as an offence.]

“I spent most of the salary I had received from the Darü’l-Hikmeti’l-Islamiye, and had put aside a small amount to go on the Hajj. Through the plenty resulting from frugality and contentment, that scanty money was sufficient for me. It prevented me being humiliated. There is still a little left of that blessed money.”

It is written that the Twenty-Second Flash is marked as confidential and is for my closest and most sincere and loyal students: “First Indication: Why is it that although you do not interfere in the world of the worldly, they interfere in your hereafter on every opportunity?” “It is the authorities of the province of Isparta and its people that should answer this question.”

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