The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 707

been proved in the Thirty-First Word in most powerful and decisive fashion, even to obdurate, atheist deniers, which it in part addresses, for the proofs and details we refer you to that Word, and here, extremely concisely, we shall take a look at the strange world of the various sorts of conscious beings and beings with spirits, which illustrates the broad meaning of this Third Word of the Ascension. We shall also try to understand by means of the manifestation of His pre-eternal knowledge, the perfect mercy and compassion of our Creator, and the vastness of His power and all-encompassing will, within His existence and unity.

Yes, we see in this world that even if not consciously and with their minds, by nature all beings with spirits feel and perceive that despite their boundless impotence and weakness, they have innumerable enemies and things detrimental to them, and despite their infinite want and need, they have endless needs and desires. Since their power and capital are insufficient to meet even a thousandth of these, they cry out and weep with all their strength, and by their nature implore and entreat. Each with its own particular voice and tongue offers supplications, entreaties, prayers of a sort, and benedictions to One All-Knowing and All-Powerful. Then while seeking refuge His Court, we see that suddenly an All-Wise and Powerful One Who is Absolutely Knowing and perceives all the needs of those crying out, understands their plaints and plight, and hears their innate petitions and supplications, comes to their assistance and does all that they wish. He transforms their weeping into smiles and their cries into thanks. This wise, knowing, compassionate assistance makes known in truly brilliant fashion through the manifestations of knowledge and mercy, an Assisting Answerer of Prayer, a Munificent and Compassionate One. During the Supreme Ascension, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), and during the prayers, the lesser ascension, his community, all declare “Benedictions and supplications, and good words —all are God’s,” which has the meaning of offering specifically to Him all the benedictions and worship of the world of beings with spirits.

The Fourth Sacred Word is “Good words—all are God’s!” (al-tayyibat lillah). Since many of the truths of the Risale-i Nur have been imparted to me while reciting the tesbihat following the prayers, quite simply I have been driven involuntarily to explain by means of brief indications the truths associated with both Sura

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