The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 709

numerous wonderful machines in a space the size of a walnut in man’s tiny head such as his faculties of memory, imagination, and thought, and by making his memory into a large library.44

We shall now allude to a very brief meaning of the Arabic piece mentioned above which points out universal proofs of all-encompassing knowledge, comprises innumerable proofs, bringing them together and making them one extensive proof, and demonstrates all-encompassing knowledge through fifteen evidences. We shall give a sort of translation of the piece.

The First of Fifteen Evidences: “The balanced order”

The measured regularity and balanced order observed in all creatures testify to an all-encompassing knowledge. Yes, there being in all things —from the universe, which resembles an orderly palace, and the solar system, and the page of the air, whose particles display an astonishing order in the broadcasting of words and sounds, and the face of the earth, which every spring with perfect order and regularity raises three hundred thousand different species, to the members, cells, particles, and bodily systems of all living beings— a balanced order and perfect regularity, which are the works of a profound, comprehensive, unfailing knowledge, means that they testify in extremely clear and decisive manner to an all-encompassing knowledge.

The Second Evidence: “And regular balance”

In all the creatures in the universe, particular, universal, from the planets to the red and white corpuscles in blood, in everything, there is an exceedingly orderly measure and appropriate balance which point self-evidently to an all-encompassing knowledge and testify to it decisively. Yes, we see for instance that the members and bodily systems of a fly or human being, and even the cells of the body and red and white corpuscles in the blood, are placed with so sensitive a balance and fine a measure, and they are so fitting and suitable for each other, and their mutual proportion with the other members of the body is so orderly, and they are in such harmony with them, that it is in no way possible that one lacking infinite

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