The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 711

The favours and instances of compassion and protection bestowed on all living creatures in the world of conscious beings, on every species and individual, particularly and appropriately, point self-evidently to an all-encompassing knowledge, and offer innumerable testimonies to the necessary existence of One Gracious and All-Knowing Who knows those who receive the favours and their needs.

NOTE: The explanation of the words of the Arabic piece, which is the summary and essence of the Risale-i Nur, indicates the truths which the Risale-i Nur —being distilled from the Qur’an— has taken from the flashes of Qur’anic verses, and particularly the proofs and evidences for knowledge, will, and power. For the Risale-i Nur expounds the scholarly proofs which the Arabic words indicate. This means that rather than being elucidations, explanations, and translations of those Arabic words, each of these scholarly proofs explains an indication and fine point made by numerous Qur’anic verses.

To return to our main question. Yes, with our own eyes we see that there is an All-Knowing and Compassionate One Who knows us and all beings with spirits, and knowing them, protects them, and knows all their needs and plaints, and knowing them comes to their assistance with His favours. One out of numberless examples: the general and particular favours bestowed on man as sustenance, medicines, and the minerals he needs point most clearly to an all-encompassing knowledge, offering testimonies to a Most Merciful and Compassionate One to the number of foods, medicines, and minerals. Yes, wise and purposive works like the feeding of man, and particularly of the helpless and infants, and especially their conveying from the kitchen of the stomach the nutrients necessary for all their members and even their cells, and the mountains being pharmacies and stores of all the minerals necessary for man, could only occur through an all-encompassing knowledge. Aimless chance, blind force, deaf nature, and lifeless, unconscious causes and the simple, overwhelming elements could in no way interfere in this feeding, administering, preservation, and planning, which is knowing, percipient, wise, compassionate, and gracious. Apparent causes such as those are merely employed and utilized within the bounds of the knowledge and wisdom of One possessing absolute

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