The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 710

knowledge could have given them those situations.

Similarly, a balance so perfect and measure so regular and unfailing govern in all living creatures and sorts of creatures from minute particles to the planets of the solar system that they prove conclusively an all-encompassing knowledge and testify to it with complete clarity. This means that all the evidences for knowledge are evidences also for the existence of the All-Knowing One. Since it is impossible and precluded that there should be an attribute without the one it qualifies, all the proofs of knowledge form a powerful and completely certain supreme proof of the Pre-Eternal All-Knowing One’s necessary existence.

The Third Evidence: “And the general, purposeful wisdom”

In all the creativity and activity in the universe, and in all the changes, raising to life, employing in duties and discharging from them, all creatures and all species of creatures have functions, uses, and purposes which are so intentional and knowing that they leave no room for chance. We see that with respect to creation one who does not possess all-encompassing knowledge could in no way lay claim to any of them. For example, although it is only a piece of flesh, together with its two main functions, the tongue, which is one of man’s hundred members —man being only one of innumerable animate creatures— is the means to hundreds of instances of wisdom, results, fruits, and uses. Its functions of tasting foods, recognizing all their different savours, informing the body and the stomach, being an exacting inspector of the kitchens of Divine mercy, and an accurate interpreter and telephone exchange for the heart, spirit, and mind in the function of speech all point in most brilliant and decisive manner to all-encompassing knowledge. If through its purposes and fruits a single tongue furnishes such evidence, innumerable tongues and innumerable living beings, infinite creatures, point to and testify to an infinite knowledge with the clarity and certainty of the noonday sun. They proclaim that there is nothing at all outside the bounds of the knowledge of the One All Knowing of the Unseen, or outside His wisdom and will.

The Fourth Evidence: “And all-embracing, particular favours”

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