Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 3 | 129

This means: ("God accepts any who are thankful to Him; Our Lord, praise be to

You"). When saying this the hands remain on the sides.

Act 5. The worshipper then says: Allahu Akbar, prostrating himself with the toes of

both feet, both knees, both hands and the forehead touching the ground. This is the

Sujud position (prostration position) and is accompanied with these words:

"Subhana Rabbiya-l-A’La"

سُبْحَانَ رَبّي الأعَلَى

This means: "Glory to my Lord the most High", ( repeated three times).

Act 6. Then with the utterance of Allahu Akbar comes the Julus position (sitting position), a short rest in sitting posture: the outer side of the left foot and the toes of the right one, which are in an erect position, touching the ground and the two hands are placed on the knees.

After this a second prostration (Sujud) is repeated in the same way with the same utterances as in the first one. This completes one unit (Rak’ ah) of the prayer.

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