Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 3 | 130

Act 7. After the first unit the worshipper rises, saying Allahu Akbar, to assume a standing position for the second unit and recites the Opening (the Fatihah) followed by a Qur’anic passage as in the first unit.

Act 8. When he has finished the second bowing and the two prostrations in the same way as the first, he takes a sitting position as in Julus and recites the Tashahhud with its two parts. (This will be found later in this chapter.)

Act 9. Finally he turns his face to the right side saying these word: “Assalamu ‘Alaykum wa rahmatu-l-Lah (peace be on you and the mercy of God). Then he turns his face to the left side uttering the same greetings (Taslim).

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