Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 3 | 135

However, following any of the authentic schools is acceptable All the Sunnah (supererogatory) prayers are to be said individually, that is, not in congregation except the ‘Eed prayers, and Taraweeh and Witr prayers in the month of Ramadan The Sunnah Prayers are not required from a person who has missed some Fard Prayers. Instead, he must make up for what he has missed and offer the obligatory services. Also the Sunnah prayers are not required if the due time of the accompanying Fard Prayers has expired. So if a person misses any prayer and wants to make up for it, he has to offer the Fard only If a worshipper does not know how to say his whole prayers in the Arabic version, he should simply say Subhaan Allah, Al-Hamdu Lillaah and Allaahu Akbar, this means:

Glory to God, Praise be to God, God is greatest of all, until he learns to recite the prayers in Arabic language Explanations: Non-Arabic speakers can always read the translations of the Qur’an in other languages they understand since believers are requested to concentrate in their prayers and to understand or at least grasp the meanings of the words to be recited.

However, when it comes to prayers they are required to recite the prayer in Arabic.

Allah revealed His Message choosing the Arabic language which means that His Message (Words) must only be read in its original form especially when we consider that Arabic words have no exact equivalents in any language The Fard Prayer is much more preferable when offered in a congregation (Jama’ah) led by an Imam. The congregation is best when it is held in a mosque, but it may be held in other places. Those who arrive at the mosque before the Iqamah announcement of the Fard prayer are recommended to offer a two units Sunnah (supereragatory) prayer called “Tahiyatu al Masjid” which means “Moosque greetings”

Brother! You ask me concerning the wisdom in the specified times of the five daily prayers. I shall point out only one of the many instances of wisdom in the times.

Indeed, like each of the times of prayer marks the start of an important revolution, so also is each a mirror to Divine disposal of power and to the universal Divine bounties within that disposal. Thus, more glorification and extolling of the All-Powerful One of Glory have been ordered at those times, and more praise and thanks for all the innumerable bounties accumulated between each of the times, which is the meaning of the prescribed prayers.

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