Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 3 | 138

5. The followers should follow the Imam is his movements without anticipating him in any act. Should any follower supercede the Imam in any movement, this person’prayer will become void.

6. The congregational prayer is not valid unless the Imam declares his intention that he is acting in the service in the capacity of Imam. The followers also must declare their intention that they are following that particular Imam in the same particular prayer he is offering. All intentions, be it by the Imam or by the followers must be done by heart.

7. When a person comes after the start of prayer, he should pronounce the Takbeeratul-Ihram (standing) and then, join the congregation. He should follow theImam / congregation whatever be the stage of their prayer. However, after the Imam has completed the service by uttering the final peace greetings, if this late comer hasmissed one unit or more, he must take standing position to make up the earlier unit / units he has missed until he completes his prayer. When a person joins the congregation in the bowing position, before rising, he is considered as having joined from the start of this particular unit. But if he joins the congregation in any position after bowing, he has missed the unit and must make up for it individually right after the Imam has concluded the prayer.

8. Whenever there is an opportunity for praying in congregation, a Muslim should not miss it. Prayer in congregation is a handsome demonstration of unity in purpose and action, of plural piety and humility before God, of effective solidarity among Muslims, of public order and mutual response Also, if a person forgets or oversleeps which has caused him to miss the prayer, he should perform it immediately when he remembers The Islamic congregation is a positive answer to the acutest problems of humanity rising from racial discrimination, social castes and human prejudices. In the congregational service of Islam, there is no king or subject, rich or poor, white or colored, first or second class, back or front benches, reserved or public pews. All worshippers stand and act shoulder to shoulder in the most disciplinary manner regardless of any worldly considerations.

The Friday Prayer (Salatu-l-Jumu’ah)

So far we have been dealing with the daily prayers. Now we come to the weekly convention of Friday Congregation. This service is compulsory upon every Muslim who is required to observe the other prayers and has no reasonable excuses to abstain.

It falls on Friday of every week and is especially important because:-

1. It is the occasion earmarked by God for the Muslims to express their collective devotion.

2. It is an appointment to review our spiritual accounts of the week gone by and get ready for the following week just as people do in any other business.

3. It is a convention for the Muslims to reassure themselves and confirm their religious bonds and social solidarity on moral and spiritual foundations.

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