Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 74

It is written in a hadith: "If one person comes to believe through you, it is better for you than a plain-full of red sheep,"[20] and that, "Sometimes a year's reflective thought may be better than a year's (supererogatory) worship."[21] In fact, the great impor­ tance the Naqshbandis attach to inward remem­brance of God is in order to attain to reflective thought of this kind.
We send thousands of greetings to all our brothers and offer prayers for them. And overlook any errors, this was written in haste. You may correct it.
The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One
Your brother, Said Nursi
For the People of Reality
My Brothers! It was imparted to my heart that the Math-nawi is a mirror to one of seven truths appearing from the Sun of the Qur'an, and so has acquired a sacred illustriousness and become the undying guide of numerous people of the heart besides the Mevlevis. Similarly, the seven colours of the Qur'anic sun's light and its variegated, multicol­oured effulgences are represented together in mirror of the Risale-i Nur. God willing, this will make it an eternal guide and teacher for the people of reality, illustrious and sacred in seven respects, as much as seven Matlmawi's.

The Risale-i Nur Saves Belief Iam explaining this piece, which I wrote in reply to a question, in the hope it will be be­neficial to you.
It has been asked by certain persons who have studied closely both the poetic works of the saints and the works of the religious scholars: "What is the reason the-Risale-i Nur produces pleasure and illu­mination, belief and understanding far more power­ful than their [works]?"

The Answer: Most of the poetry of the blessed persons of that time, and some of the works of the religious scholars, discuss the results, fruits, and ef­fulgences of belief in and knowledge of God. In their time, there was no attack on the fundamentals of belief and the pillars of faith were not being sha­ken. Now, however, there is a severe and concerted attack on those fundamentals. Most of that poetry and those scholarly works addressed particular belie­vers and individuals; they were not repulsing the awesome assaults of this age.

As for the Risale-i Nur, as a miracle of the Qur'an, it saves the fundamentals of belief, and not benefiting from existent belief, assists through its many, brilliant proofs, in demonstrating, proving, and preserving belief, and saving it from doubts and scepticism. For this reason, those who study it care­fully, declare that everyone has need of it at this time, like they have for bread and medicine.

The poetic works of the saints says: "Become a saint, then you will see! Rise in spiritual rank, and look! Receive the lights and effulgences!"

[20]Bukhari,Jihad, 102; Ddrimi, 'Ilm, 10;. al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, vi, 359, no: 9606.

[21]al-'Ajluni,Kashf al-Khafa', i, 312; al-Ahadith al-Mishkat, 113 2.36.5 lbs. |Tr.|

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