Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 75

The Risale-i Nur, however, says: "Whoever you are, you have only to open your eyes and look; be­hold reality and save your belief, the key to eternal happiness."

The Risale-i Nur also first of all tries to convince the soul of its author, then it looks to others. For sure, a lesson that convinces the evil-commanding soul completely, dispelling its doubts, must be extre­mely powerful and pure, and may on its own con­front the awesome collective personality of misgui­dance, which has taken on the form of a group or social collectivity at this time.

Also, the Risale-i Nur does not only teach with the feet and eye of the reason like the works of other scholars, nor does it only move with the illumina­tions and inspirations of the heart like the saints, it rather flies to the loftiest peaks with the feet of the united reason and heart, and the assistance of the spirit and other subtle faculties. It rises to places that not the feet, but the eye of aggressive philosophy cannot reach, and demonstrates the truths of belief to eyes that are blind even.

from The Sixteenth Letter

Bediuzzaman' s Exemplary Frugality

The answer to a number of suspicious ques­tions: The First: The worldly say to me: "How do you live? What do you live on since you don't work? We don't want people in our country who sit around idly and live off the labour of oth­ers."

The Answ e r: I live through frugality and the resulting plenty. I am not obliged to anyone other than the One Who Provides for me and I have taken the decision not to become obliged to anyone. Yes, someone who lives on a hundred para, or even forty para, does not have to be obliged to anyone. I do not want to explain this matter. To do so is most disa­greeable to me, as it may make me feel a sort of pride or egotism. But since the worldly ask about it suspiciously, I reply as follows: since my childhood, it has been one of my life-long principles of my life not to accept anything from the people, even zakat, not to accept a salary - only I was compelled to accept one for one or two years in the Darii'l-Hikmeti'l-islamiye on the insistence of my friends -and not to become obliged to people for a worldly livelihood. The people of my native region and those who have known me in other places know this. During these five years of exile, many friends have tried earnestly to make me accept their gifts, but I have accepted none of them. And so, if I am asked: "So how do you manage to live'?", I reply: I live through divine bestowal and blessings. For sure, my soul deserves all insults and contempt, but as a wonder (kerdmet) resulting from service of the Qur'an, I receive plenty and blessings in the form of food which are a divine bestowal. In accordance with the verse.

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