Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 76

But the bounty of your Sustainer rehearse and proclaim}

I shall recall the bounties Almighty God has bestowed on me, and mention a few examples by way of thanks. But although it is thanks, I am fright­ened that it will induce hypocrisy and pride so that blessed plenty will be cut. For to divulge a secret divine gift of plenty makes it cease. But what can I do? I am compelled to tell them.
And so, the First: This six months one bushel (Idle)[22]
of wheat, enough for thirty-six loaves ofbread, has sufficed me. There is still some left, it is not finished. How much longer[23] it will last, I do not know.

The Second: This blessed month of Ramadan I received food from only two houses, and on both occasions it made me ill. I understood that I am pro­hibited from eating other people's food. The rest of the time, in the whole of Ramadan, three loaves of bread and one okka[24] of rice sufficed me, as was wit­nessed and told by Abdullah Çavuş, the owner of a blessed house and a loyal friend who saw my econo­mizing. The rice even was finished two weeks after the end of Ramadan.
The Third: For three months on the mountain one kiyye[25] of butter was enough for me and my guests, eating it every day together with bread. On one occasion even I had a blessed visitor called Süleyman. Both his bread and my bread were about to be finished. It was Wednesday. I told him to go and get some bread. For two hours' distance on ever}' side of us there was no one from whom he could have got any. He said that he wanted to stay with me on the mountain on Thursday night so that we could pray together. Saying, "Our reliance is on God," I told him to stay.

[23]Ii lasted a year.

[24]About 2.8 lbs. or I3000gr. |Tr.|

[25] About 2.8 lbs. or 1.3000 gr. |Tr.|


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