Fruits From The Tree Of Light | Fruits From The Tree Of Light | 45
For sure, everyone who does not suffer from blindness in his heart will see it. Yes, as a consequence of this truth, according to the meaning of the verse,
Those on whom you call besides God cannot create [even] a fly, if they all met together for the purpose1-2 if all material causes were to gather together and if they possessed will, they could could not gather together the being of a single fly and its systems and organs with their particular balance. And even if they could gather them together, they could not make them remain in the specified measure of the being. And even if they could make them remain thus, they could not make those minute particles, which are constantly being renewed and coming into existence and working, work regularly and in order. In which case, self-evidenlly, causes cannot claim ownership of things. That is to say, their True Ower is someone else.
Indeed, their True Owner is such that, according to the verse.
Your creation and your resurrection is as a single soul,3 He raises to life all the living beings on the face of the earth as easily as He raises to life a single fly. He creates the spring as easily as He creates a single flower. For He is no need of gathering things together. Since He is the owner of the command of 'Be!' and it is; and since every spring He creates from nothing the innumerable attributes, states, and forms of the innumerable beings of spring together with the elements of their physical beings; and since He determines the plan, mode], index, and programme of everything in His knowledge; and since all minute particles are in motion within the sphere of His knowledge and power, He therefore creates everything with infinite ease as though striking a match. Nothing at all confuses its motion so much as an iota. Minute particles are like a regular, well-ordered army in the same way that the planets are an obedient army.
Since they are in motion relying on that pre-eternal power, and function in accordance with the principles of that pre-eternal knowledge, those works come into existence in accordance with the power. They therefore cannot be deemed insignificant by considering their unimportant personalities. For through the strength of being connected to that power, a fly can kill off a Nimrod, and an ant can destroy the Pharaoh's palace, and the minute seed of the pine bears on its shoulder the burden of the pine-tree as tall as a mountain. We have proved this truth in numerous places in the Risale-i Nur: just as through his enrolment İn the army and being connected to the king, an ordinary soldier can take another king prisoner, exceeding his own capacity a hundred thousand times, so too, through being connected to pre-eternal power, all things can manifest miracles of art exceeding the capacity of natural causes hundreds of thousands of times.
In short, the fact that the existence of all things is with both infinite art and infinite ease shows that they are the works of a Pre-Eternal AU-Powerful One possessing all-encompassing knowledge. Otherwise, it would not be coming into existence with a hundred thousand difficulties, but leaving the bounds of possibility and entering those of impossibility, nothing at all could come into existence, indeed, their coming into existence would be impossible and precluded.
And so, through this most subtle, powerful, profound, and clear proof, my soul, which had been a temporary student of Satan and the spokesman for the people of misguidance and the philosophers, was silenced, and, all praise be to God, came to believe completely. It said:
Yes, what I need is a Creator and Sustainer Who possesses the power to know the least thoughts of my heart and my most secret wishes; and like He will answer the most hidden needs of my spirit, will transform the mighty earth into the Hereafter in order to give me eternal happiness, and will remove this world and put the Hereafter in its place; and will create the heavens as He creates a fly; and as He fastens the sun as an eye in the face of the sky, can situate a particle in the pupil of my eye. For one who cannot create a fly cannot intervene in the thoughts of my heart and cannot hear the pleas of my spirit.
l.Qur'an. 22:73.
2. That is. "Should all the ıhıngs you call upon and worship other lhan God were lo galher together, they could not create so much as a fly."
3. Quran. 11:28
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