Fruits From The Tree Of Light | Fruits From The Tree Of Light | 48
An Appreciation of the Book
Received with many grateful thanks are the copies of the July-August 'The Nur Magazine' and 'Fruits From the Tree of Light,' the latter of which is very well translated in appropriate and beautiful English and the selections from the Risale-i Nur well chosen. Only a genuine saint whose heart is illuminated with the light of Faith could write like this, the passages have great beauty and spiritual depth and their eloquence is capable of moving the heart of any reader except those with a heart as hardened as stone. Some passages are strongly reminiscent of the writings and preaching of the great Sufi saint, Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani.
It is my humble opinion that Bediuzzaman Said Nursi alone of all the leaders for Islamic regeneration of this century, can rank with the great Muslim saints of the past. From what I have read about his life and his writings, his spritual stature appears superior over all other of his contemporary leaders for Islamic revival in the Arab world and Indo-Pakistan sub-continent, however sincere, earnest and valuable their intentions and efforts. He combines in his venerable person all the qualities of a true saint, mujaddid and mujahid at once. Thus the legacy of his selfless life and works cannot be restricted to Turkey or the Turks, but must become common property shared by Muslims everywhere throughout the world.
The great strength of Bediuzzaman was his knowledge of his limitations and realistic assessment of the plight in which Muslims now find themselves. Unlike other contemporary leaders for Islamic revival, he did not formulate grandiose plans for a "universal Islamic political, economic and social order" which had no chance of being implemented in the foreseeable future at a time when the majority of so-called "Muslim?" rulers persecute Believers ruthlessly, and as a result of the social corruption, the imposition of an alien atheistic educational system, and the mass-media from whose harmful effects it is impossible for parents to protect their innocent and defenceless children, there does not exist today a single Islamic state, community, society, or even a totally Islamic family group anywhere. When the majority of Muslim youth have ceased to practise Islam and enthusiastically, blindly and uncritically embrace Westemism, it is meaningless to talk of the "Muslim world," the "Muslim Bloc," or "Muslim Unity."
Bediuzzaman had the wisdom and foresight to realize that to enter lhe arena of active politics in such an atmosphere as this would be futile and fruitless. He realized that the mere capturing of political power would not suffice to bring about an Islamic renaissance. He knew that political revolution, which can speedily be nullified by a counter-coup d'etat, and thus result only in more violence, anarchy and oppression, was not the Way. He had the wisdom to avoid a rigid, inflexible, centralized organization, for the latter can easily be banned by the dictator İn power, its leaders jailed, executed or assassinated, its offices sealed and its literature proscribed and that is the end of it. By establishing the fruits of his works and preachings on the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Turks, this movement could not be banned nor could the propagation of its teachings be stopped even by the most oppressive despotism.
The methods of the Nursi movement are thus superbly adapted to working among the people in varied walks of life under the despotism and tyranny which has become the fact of almost all the "Muslim" countries today. In constrast to other Islamic movements elsewhere it has proved its ability to flourish in a hostile environment. It is no exaggeration to claim that whatever Islamic faith remains in Turkey is due to the tireless and the selfless efforts of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.
He realized that the most crucial necessity of modern man was a moral and spritual outlook on life, and that what Muslim youth need above all else is conversion from the materialistic to a spiritual outlook on life. The Risale-i Nur is devoted lo this end and compared with other contemporary Islamic movements which have either been suppressed by those in power, become inactive or ineffective, it has achieved, by the help and grace of Almighty God, impressive success.
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