Fruits From The Tree Of Light | Fruits From The Tree Of Light | 46
One who cannot create the heavens, cannot give me eternal happiness. In which case, my Sustainer is He Who both purifies my heart's thoughts, and like He fills and empties the skies with clouds İn an hour, will transform this world into the Hereafter, make Paradise, and open its doors to me, bidding me to enter.
And so, my elderly brothers who as a result of misfortune, like my soul, have spent part of their lives on lighilcss Western materialist philosophy and science I Understand from the sacred decree of "There is no god but He" perpetually uttered by tongue of the Qur'an, just how powerful and true and unshakeable and undamagable and unchanging sacred a pillar of belief it is, and how it disperses all spiritual darkness and cures all spiritual wounds!

It is as though my including this long story among the doors of hope of my old age was involuntary. I did not want to include it, indeed, I held back because I thought it would be tedious. But I may say that ľ felt compelled to write it. Anyway, to return to the main topic.

în consequence of grey hairs appearing in my hair and beard and of a loyal friend's unfaithfulness, I felt a disgust at the pleasures of Istanbul's worldly life which was so glittering and superficially agreeable and gilded. My soul searched for spiritual pleasures in place of the pleasures with which it was infatuated. It wanted a light, a solace, in this old age, which in the view of the heedless is cold, burdensome, and disagreeable. All praise be to God and a hundred thousand thanks, just as I found true, lasting, and sweet pleasures of belief in "There is no god but He" and in the light of Divine Unity in place of all those false, disagreeable, fleeting worldly pleasures, so through the light of Divine Unity, I saw old age which in the view of the heedless is cold and burdensome to be most light, and warm, and luminous.

О elderly men and women! Since you have belief and since you pray and offer supplications which illuminate and increase belief, you can regard your old age as eternal youth. For through it you can gain eternal youth. The old age which in truth is cold, burdensome, ugly, dark, and full of pain is the old age of the people of misguidance, indeed, their youth as well. It is they who should weep with sighs and regrets. While you, respected believing elderly people, should joyfully offer thanks saying: "All praise and thanks be to God for every situation!
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