The Staff of Moses | Entry | 2

This strange age, just as the believers have intense need for the Risale-i Nur, so school teachers and students of science have great need for The Staff of Moses, and teach­ers of religion and 'hafizes' are in great need of Zülfikâr.
For in the treatise on the Qur'an's mirac- ulousness, for example, many verses that have been subject to questioning and objec­tions are shown to contain flashes ofmiracu- lousness and many fine and subtle points.
In the name of all the Risale-i Nur students, Said Nursi

In His Name, be He glorified!
And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings, for ever and ever! My Dear, Loyal Brothers,
Now that the Risale-i Nur is being duplicated by machine and is spread­ing generally, and many school children and teachers who study modern sci­ence and philosophy are holding fast to it, there is a point that needs explana­tion:
The philosophy the Risale-i Nur strikes at fiercely and attacks is not abso­lute, but the harmful sort. For the philosophy and wisdom that serve the life of human society, and morality and human attainments, and industry and progress, are reconciled with the Qur'an. Indeed, such philosophy serves the Qur'an's wisdom and does not oppose it. This sort the Risale-i Nur does not bother with. As for the other sort, since it both leads to misguidance, atheism, and the swamp of nature, and is the cause of vice and dissipation, heedlessness and misguidance; and since with its spellbinding wonders it opposes the Qur'an's miraculous truths; the Risale-i Nur attacks and deals slaps at it with the pow­erful proofs in the comparisons contained in most of its parts. It does not attack beneficial, rightly-guided philosophy. Members of the secular schools can therefore embrace the Risale-i Nur without hesitation or objection.
But completely meaninglessly and unjustly, secret dissemblers are turning a number of hojas against the Risale-i Nur, which is the true property of the hojas and people of the medreses (religious schools], and they similarly excite the scholarly pride of certain philosophers. Since it is possible they may do this to harm the Risale-i Nur, it will be appropriate to include this piece at the beginning of the collections, The Staff of Moses and Ziilfikar.
                              Said N u r s i
                                                   In His Name, be He glorified!
The Twenty-Eighth Flash and Eighth Ray proved with the same number that Imam 'Ali (May God be pleased with him) gave news of the Risale-i Nur and its important treatises almost explicitly in his Jaljalutiyya. Also in Jaljalutiyya, he foretold the final treatise of the Risale-i Nur with the lines: "And by the name of the Staff of Moses the darkness will be scattered." A couple of years ago I supposed The Supreme Sign to be the final part of the Risale-i Nur, but now, since in '64 (1944) it was completed; and since the above lines predict a treatise that would disperse the darkness and give light and negate the sorcery; and since the first section of this collection, The Fruits of Belief, acted as our court defence and scattered the awesome dark­ness that had descended on us; and the second section dispelled the darkness of philosophy, which had formed a front against the Risale-i Nur, and com­pelled the Ankara committee of experts to submit and appreciate it; and since there are numerous signs that it will disperse the darknesses of the future; and since just as the staff of Moses (PUB) caused twelve springs to gush forth and was the means of eleven miracles, so the present collection consists of the eleven light-scattering Topics of The Fruits of Belief and the eleven certain proofs of The Decisive Proof, — these have all given me the convic­tion that with the above lines Imam 'Ali (May God be pleased with him) was looking directly at this collection called The Staff of Moses, and that he was predicting it and applauding it.
                             Said Nursi
In His Name, be He glorified!
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