The Staff of Moses | The Second Proof | 9
Indeed, the vast heavens demonstrate the degree of power and wisdom of the One Who transforms various and tiny creatures or animals, thus preparing them for their duties, and Who impels each of them on a determined way by means of its particular balance, and the degree of their obedience and subjugation to Him. Similarly, the vast heavens demonstrate to attentive gazes through their awesome vastness and innumerable stars, and the stars, through their imposing hugeness and speedy revolutions and the fact that they do not exceed their bounds by an iota, even for a second, or neglect their duties for a tenth of a second, the exceedingly fine and particular balance with which the Glorious Maker carries out His dominicality.
Fifthly, An unending and infinite sovereignty is proclaimed to those who think by its shining lamps, its brilliant lanterns, its glittering stars.
This phrase states clearly what is alluded to in the above verse, and in many similar to it, which mention the subjugation of the sun, moon, and stars. That is to say, to attach the heat and light-giving lamp of the sun to the embellished ceiling of the skies, and to make it the ink-pot for writing the missives of the Eternally Besought One in lines of day and night on the pages of summer and winter; and to make the moon, like the hour-hands which shines on the large clocks on minarets and towers, an hour-hand of time's mighty clock on the dome of the heavens, and to make it move through its mansions with precise balance and perfect measure in the form of many varying crescents so that it leaves one crescent one night and then later returns to collect it; and to adorn the beautiful face of the sky with stars that twinkle and smile in the dome of the heavens, all these are signs of the unlimited sovereignty of a sustaining dominicality. They are indications of a majestic Divinity which makes Itself known to conscious creatures. They invite those who think to believe and to affirm Divine unity.
Look upon the coloured page of the book of the universe; See what forms the golden pen of power has traced. No dark point remains for the gaze of the heart's eye; It is as if God as inscribed His signs mih light. Look! What a miracle of wisdom is the amazing universe! Look! What a wondrous spectacle is the vastness of space! Then listen to the stars, listen to their harmonious address! See what wisdom has emblazed on the decree of its light. Altogether they start to speak with the tongue of truth, They address the majesty of the Ail-Powerful, All-Glorious One's sovereignty:
We are each of us light-scattering proofs of the existence of our Maker, We are witnesses both to His unity and His power, We are subtle miracles gilding the face of the skies for the angels to gaze upon. We are the innumerable attentive eyes of the heavens which watch the earth, which study Paradise. We are the innumerable exquisite fruits which the hand of wisdom of the All-Glorious and Beauteous One
has fastened To the celestial portion of the tree of creation, to all the branches of the Milky Way. For the inhabitants of the heavens, we are each of us a travelling mosque, a spinning house, a lofty home, Each is an illumining lamp, a mighty ship, an aeroplane.
We are each of us a miracle of power, a wonder of creative art Created by the Powerful One of Perfection, the All-Wise One of Glory;A rarity of His wisdom, a marvel of His creation, a world of light.
We demonstrated to mankind innumerable proofs,We made them hear with these innumerable tongues of ours;
But their accursed unseeing, unbelieving eyes did not see our faces,They did not hear our words.
And we are signs that speak the truth:Our stamp is one, our seal is one,We are mastered by our Sustainer;We glorify Him through our subjugation;We recite His Names;We are each of us in ecstasy,
A member of the mighty circle of the Milky Way.
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