The Staff of Moses | The Fifth Proof | 2
First T opic : As is explained in the Tenth Word, it is a most basic rule that infinitely perfect beauty and infinitely beautiful perfection want to behold themselves and show and exhibit themselves. It is in consequence
of this basic general rule that the Pre-Eternal Inscriber of the mighty book of the universe, through the universe and through all its pages, lines and even letters and points, through the numerous tongues of all beings from the most particular to the most universal, makes known and loved the beauty of His perfection and perfection of His beauty, in order to make Himself and His perfections known, and to display His beauty and make Himself loved.
О heedless man! If in the face of the Sapient and All-Wise Ruler of Glory and Beauty's making Himself known to you and loved by you by means of all His creatures in this brilliant, endless fashion you do not recognize Him with belief and you do not make yourself loved by Him with your worship, you should know just what a compounded ignorance it is and what a loss; so come to your senses!
Second Topic of the S e c o n d M a tt e r : There is no place for partnership in the dominions of the universe's All-Powerful and Wise Maker. For since in everything is infinitely perfect order, it does not accept partners. If many hands intervene in one matter, it confuses it. If there are two kings in a country, two governors of a town, or two headmen in a village, disorder will occur in all the matters of the country, town, and village. Similarly, the fact that the most minor official does not accept the interference of others in his duties shows that the most fundamental characteristic of rulership is independence and singleness. That is to say, order necessitates unity, and rulership necessitates independence.
If a temporary shadow of rulership in impotent man needy for assistance rejects interference in this way, the true, absolute rulership at the degree of dominicality of One possessing absolute power will certainly reject interference with all its strength. If there had been even the tiniest interference, the order would have been spoilt.
However, the universe has been created in such a way that in order to create a seed, power sufficient to create a tree is necessary. And in order to create a tree, power sufficient to create the universe is necessary. And if there was a partner who interfered in the universe, he would have to share in the tiniest seed. For the seed is a sample of the universe. So then two dominicalities which cannot reside together in the vast universe, would have to reside in a seed, and even in a minute particle. And this is the most impossible and meaningless of impossibilities and false delusions. Know what an infinitely compounded contradiction, error, and falsehood are unbelief and associating partners with God, which necessitate the impotence — even if only in a seed— of the Absolutely Powerful One Who holds in the balance of His justice and order of His wisdom all the states and attributes of the vast universe; and know what an infinitely compounded truth, reality and verity is Divine unity, and say: "All praise and thanks be to God for belief!"
Through His Names of Sapient and All-Wise, the АН-Powerful Maker has included thousands of well-ordered worlds in this world. Within those worlds, He created man as a centre and pivot who of all creatures manifests and is the means to the wisdom and purposes in the universe. And the most important of the instances of wisdom and beneficial things in the sphere of the universe look to man. And in the human sphere, He made sustenance a centre; in the human world most of the instances of wisdom and benefits look to sustenance and are manifest through it. The manifestation of the Name of All-Wise is apparent in brilliant form in man through consciousness and the pleasure of sustenance. While each of the hundreds of sciences discovered by means of human consciousness describes one manifestation of the Name of Sapient in one realm of creation.
For example, if the science of medicine were to be asked: "What is the universe?", it would be bound to reply: "It is an exceedingly vast, orderly and perfect pharmacy. All remedies are prepared and stored up in it in the best way."
And if the science of chemistry were asked: "What is the earth?", it would reply: "It is a perfectly ordered chemist's shop."
While the science of engineering would reply: "It is totally faultless, perfect factory."
And the science of agriculture would reply: "It is an infinitely productive, regular and well-ordered field and garden which produces all kinds of seeds at the required time."
The science of commerce would reply: "It is an extremely well-set-out exhibition, orderly market, and shop stocked with most artistic wares."
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