The Staff of Moses | The Eleventh Proof | 20
With their sweet voices and different tones, tunes, sounds, and harmonies, they declare: "Glory be to God!", "All praise be to God!", "There is no god but God!", and "God is most great!"
This is the magnificent mosque opened up by the Risale-i Nur, to be entered by those who follow the path of belief, knowledge, and the Qur'an, opened up by the Risale-i Nur. Each person receives its effulgence proportionately to his own belief, knowledge, and sincerity.
• His Literary Front
Since early times, poets and writers, thinkers and scholars have been divided into two groups: some have attached importance only to the style and manner of expression, the metre and rhyme, and have sacrificed the meaning to the manner of expression. This is to be seen mostly in poetry. The other group, however, has attached importance to the meaning and content, and has not sacrificed the essence and gist.
I reckon that as a great thinker, Bediuzzaman's literary front will be easily understood from these brief introductory words. For he was a genius who spent his long and fruitful life, not with ordering and arranging words, but with instilling in people the sense of religion and consciousness of belief, and the concept of virtue and good conduct, so that these virtues would ever remain in humanity as a sacred ideal, embedded in their hearts, spirits, consciences, and minds. Naturally, a mujahid who sacrificed his self and all worldly benefits to realize this elevated ideal, would not busy himself with transient forms.
Nevertheless, with his fine taste, sensitivity, depth of thought, and imaginative power, Ustad may be said to have had a really extraordinary literary talent. For this reason, his style changes according to subject. For example, when discussing scholarly and philosophical matters and when convincing the reason with logical, mathematical proofs, he uses very succinct phrases. But when affecting the heart and raising the spirit, his manner of expression attains such clarity it is indescribable. For example, when depicting the skies, suns, stars, and moonlight, and especially the springtime, and Almighty God's power and sublimity manifested in those worlds, he style acquires such subtlety that every simile and metaphor takes the form of a picture framed in gentle colours, every world becomes a wonder of wonders.
It is due to this wisdom that when studying the Risale-i Nur, its students, whatever university faculty there are in, are completely satisfied, both in their senses, and minds, and spirits, and consciences, and imaginations. How could they not be satisfied? For the Risale-i Nur Collection is a bunch of blooms gathered from the universal garden of the Noble Qur'an. So it reflects the light, air, luminosity, and scents of that blessed, divine garden.
Flawing waters tell this need of the spirit, Mankind has perpetual need of the Qur'an.
Ali Ulvi Kurucu
No Voice