The Words | Contents | 6

THE NINTH WORD: On the wisdom in the specified times of the  five daily prayers, in five 'Points' .............................................................................................................................51

THE TENTH WORD, On Resurrection and the Hereafter: A comparison in the form of twelve 'Aspects' containing proofs of the resurrection of the dead .......................................59

An Introduction consisting of four 'Indications' explaining the comparison and demonstrating the existence and unity of God, the function of prophethood and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the importance of man, and the necessity of the Eternal Creator of this transitory world creating a permanent  realm ............................................................................................................70

Twelve 'Truths' consisting of detailed proofs of the resurrection of the dead and the hereafter based on a number of the  Divine Names, and a Conclusion ................................................74

First Addendum:
An Introduction comprising two 'Points'; the First, how essential is belief in the hereafter for human social life in particular; the Second, how the other pillars of belief require the resurrection, and prove it .................................................................................107

Second Addendum:
How life looks to all six pillars of belief including the resurrection of the dead, and proves them indirectly ......................................................................................119

Third Addendum:
Three 'Matters' explaining the instantaneous occurrence of the resurrection .........................................................................................................................................125

Fourth Addendum:
An explanation of a number of Qur'anic verses describing the resurrection of the dead and the end of the world .................................................................................127

Fifth Addendum:
The testimony to resurrection and the hereafter of the prophets, saints, the spring, and man's desire for eternity ..................................................................................131

About the wisdom in and purposes of the world, the riddle of man's creation, and the mystery of the five daily prayers, including a comparison and an explanation of the purpose of man's life, as well as its true nature and duties .......................133

Four 'Principles', comprising concise comparisons illustrating the wisdom of the Qur'an and that of philosophy, the instruction they give to individual life, the principles they put forward for social life, and the superiority of the Qur'an over all other Divine revelation .........................................................................................................................143

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