The Words | Contents | 7

THE THIRTEENTH WORD: A comparison between the degrees of knowledge of the All-Wise Qur'an and the philosophical sciences, how the Qur'an is infinitely superior to poetry, and an aspect of its miraculousness which scatters the darkness of


Second Station: How to save the life of the hereafter .......................................................155
Advice for some youths concerning the dangers facing them ..............................................158
Three letters addressing prisoners .....................................................................................161
An important matter imparted on the Night of Power ........................................................167
The Sixth Topic from the Fruits of Belief: "Teach us about
our Creator." ...................................................................................................................169
The Air: A Window onto Divine Unity ..............................................................................173

THE FOURTEENTH WORD: Five 'Matters' which, comprising comparisons and similes, form steps by which to rise to certain truths of the Qur'an and Hadiths, and a Conclusion which is a warning lesson to the heedless ....................................................................................177

Addendum: Seven questions and answers demonstrating that earthquakes occur at the Divine command ........................................................................................................................185

THE FIFTEENTH WORD: Seven Steps rising to the heavens of the verse: We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and made them missiles to drive way the evil ones ................................................................................................................................191

Addendum: A Proof of the Qur'an Against Satan and His Party .......................................198

A Second, Small Objection of Satan ................................................................................206

THE SIXTEENTH WORD consists of four 'Rays': The First explaining Divine oneness and the universal Divine works; the Second demonstrating there is no incompatibility between Qur'anic verses showing things to come into existence instantaneously and those showing their existence to be gradual; the Third, an explanation of verses showing Almighty God to be infinitely close and those showing Him to be infinitely distant; and the Fourth Ray describing the comprehensive worship expressed by the phrase: God is Most Great! .........................................................................................................................................209

A Short Addendum: Just as the order in the universe, manifest through the Divine laws, demonstrates Divine power and wisdom, so too exceptions to the laws and differences and changes demonstrate Divine will and choice ......................................................................217

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