The Words | Contents | 8

THE SEVENTEENTH WORD: In the face of the manifestations of the Divine Names of Merciful and Giver of Life, which make this world like a festival, the Names of All-Compelling and Dealer of Death appear. The First Station describes five 'Aspects' in which this apparent incongruity is in fact appropriate .....................................................................219

Second Station: Pieces in free verse: Reliance on God in the face of tribulation; Answer to Those Smitten by the West; A Supplication in Persian; A Supplication inspired by the verse, I love not those that set; Two Tables, of Guidance and Misguidance; A Supplication in Arabic; A Fruit of the Uplands of Barla; The Utterance of the Stars ................................................222

THE EIGHTEENTH WORD: Comprising three Points': the First, A Chastening Slap for My Evil-Commanding Soul; the Second explains one meaning of the verse, Who has created everything in the best way; and the Third shows how the beauty and art in the universe require the messengership of Muhammad (PBUH) ...........................................................................239

THE NINETEENTH WORD, On the Messengership of Muhammad (PBUH). Fourteen 'Droplets' proving and describing the messengership of Muhammad (PBUH), the Fourteenth, on his greatest miracle, the Qur'an ........................................................................................243

THE TWENTIETH WORD: Consists of two 'Stations' ....................................................253

First Station: Three verses of the Qur'an, comprising three 'Points', in which the particular matters mentioned indicate general laws and universal principles ........................................253

Second Station: On the Miracles of the Prophets, demonstrating that just as the Prophets were leaders of communities in regard to spiritual and moral progress, so were they masters in regard to some craft or industry, taught them by means of a miracle. In mentioning them, the Qur'an is urging man towards scientific and technological progress .....................................260

THE TWENTY-FIRST WORD: Consists of two 'Stations' ...............................................276

First Station: Five 'Warnings' to the soul, which is dilatory in performing the five daily prayers ...................................................................................................................................276

Second Station: Five 'Aspects' comprising five cures for five of the many sorts of scruples with which people are afflicted ..............................................................................................281

THE TWENTY-SECOND WORD: Consists of two 'Stations' ..........................................287

First Station: Twelve 'Proofs' demonstrating in allegorical form how the beings in the world around us speak of their Maker and point to His unity ..........................................................287

Second Station: Twelve 'Flashes' from the sun of belief in God which, by pointing out the stamps and seals on all things denoting their Maker and His power and other attributes, demonstrate the true affirmation of Divine unity ............................299

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