Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 203

And their similitude in the Gospel is like a seed that sends forth its blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick, and it stands on its own stem, filling the sowers with wonder and delight. As a result, it fills the unbelievers with rage at them.(48:29)

In the thirty-third chapter of the fifth book of the Torah,[334] there is the following verse:

The Lord came from Sinai, rose up unto us from Sa‘ir, and shined forth from Mount Paran.[335]


In this verse, with the phrase “the Lord came from Sinai,” the prophethood of Moses is mentioned; with the phrase “rose up unto us from Sa‘ir” (Sa‘ir being a mountain near Damascus), the prophethood of Jesus is indicated. And the phrase “He shined forth from Mount Paran” (the Paran Mountains being the mountains of Hijaz), gives tidings of the prophethood of Muhammad (UWBP), as all will agree. Moreover, confirming  the  sentence,  “This  is  their  similitude  in  the  Torah,”(48:29)  is  the following verse of the Torah concerning the Prophet’s (UWBP) Companions, who would shine forth from the Paran Mountains:


The  flags  of the blessed  ones  will  be  with  him,  and  they  will  be  on  his right.[336]

In  this  verse,  the  Companions  are  described  as  “the  blessed  ones,”  that  is,  his Companions are blessed, righteous men, the beloved ones of God.

In the forty-second chapter of the Book of Isaiah, there are the following verses:

See My servant, whom I uphold; My Chosen One, in whom I delight. He will reveal   justice   to  the  nations  of  the  world…   He  will  encourage   the fainthearted,  those tempted to despair. He will see full justice given to all who   have   been   wronged.   He   will   not   be   satisfied   until   truth   and righteousness prevail throughout the earth, nor until even distant lands beyond the seas have put their trust in him.[337]



[334] Deuteronomy, 33:2.

[335] Halabi, al-Sirat al-Halabiya, i, 348; Yusuf Nabhani, Hujjat Allah ‘ala’l-‘Alamin, 90, 102-6; Qastalani, al-Mawahib al-Ladunniya, vi, 198.

[336] Halabi, al-Sirat al-Halabiya, i, 348; Yusuf Nabhani, Hujjat Allah ‘ala’l-‘Alamin, 113; Deuteronomy, 33:2.

[337] Isaiah, 42:1-4, 10.

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