Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 204

Here, the verses explicitly describe Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace), the prophet of the end of time. In the fourth chapter of the Book of Micah, are the following verses:

But in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the House of God will be the most renowned one of all the mountains of the world, praised by all nations; people from all over the world will make pilgrimage there. “Come,” they will say to one another, “let us go up to the mountain of God and the House of God.”[338]

These  verses  obviously  describe  the  most  blessed  mountain  in the  world,  Mount ‘Arafat, and the worship and proclamations of “God is Most Great!” of those making the Hajj, who will flock there from all climes, and the Community of Muhammad, famous for the divine mercy it will receive.

In the seventy-second chapter of the Psalms, there are the following verses:

And he will reign from sea to sea,

And from the river to the ends of the earth.
The kings of Yemen and the Islands

All will bring their gifts.

And to him all the kings will prostrate themselves,
All the nations will serve him.

............................... And he will live,

And on his behalf prayer will be made constantly,
All day long he will be praised.


His name will prove to be to time indefinite,
It will continue as long as the sun.

All will be blessed in him,

All nations will praise him.[339]


These verses describe the Glory of the World, the Prophet Muhammad (UWBP) most evidently. Apart from Muhammad the Arabian, what prophet has come since David (Upon whom be peace) who has spread his religion from  East  to  West,  made  kings  pay tribute,  and  brought  rulers  to  submission  as though prostrating; to whom every day one fifth of mankind offer benedictions and prayers, and whose lights have irradiated from Medina? Has there been any other?


[338] Micah, 4:1-2.

[339] Yusuf Nabhani, Hujjat Allah ‘ala’l-‘Alamin, 91-104; Jisri, Risale-i Hamidiye (Turkish trans.), i, 410; Psalms, 72:8, 10, 11, 15-17

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