Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 225

Third Point


A brief but true reflection on the essential nature of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition was once inspired in my heart as a divine bounty. Now I will give below a translation of that Arabic piece.

The  six  aspects  of  the  Qur’an  of  Miraculous  Exposition  are  brilliant  and luminous; neither doubt nor misgiving can penetrate it. For its back leans on God’s Throne; there is the light of revelation in that aspect. Before it and its goal is the happiness of this world and the next; it has laid its hand on post-eternity and the hereafter, and contains the light of happiness and Paradise. Above it shines the seal of miraculousness. Beneath it lie the pillars of proof and evidence. Its inner face is pure guidance, while its right causes the mind to affirm it with phrases like “Will they not think?”  Providing  spiritual  sustenance  to  hearts,  its  left  causes  the  conscience  to testify to God’s blessings. So from what side, what corner, can the thieves of doubt and misgiving enter the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition?

Yes,  the  Qur’an  of  Miraculous  Exposition   encompasses   all  the  points  of agreement found in the books of the prophets, the saints, and those who affirm divine unity, whose centuries, ways, and temperaments were all different; that is, those who sought the truth through either the intellect or the heart mentioned in their books the All-Wise Qur’an’s concise decrees and principles, in such a way as to confirm them. Thus, they are like the roots of the heavenly tree of the Qur’an.

The All-Wise Qur’an is also founded on revelation and is revelation. For the Glorious One who revealed it, demonstrated and proved it was revelation through the miracles of Muhammad (UWBP). And the Qur’an too, which reveals, shows through the miraculousness upon it that it comes from the Divine Throne. Then the alarm of the Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) to whom it was revealed, when it was first revealed and his unconscious state during its revelation and his sincerity and veneration towards the Qur’an, which were greater than everyone’s, all demonstrate that it was revelation coming from pre-eternity; it was his guest.

Moreover, the Qur’an is self-evidently pure guidance, for its opposite is the misguidance of unbelief. It is also of necessity the source of the lights of belief, and the reverse of this is of course, darkness. We have proved this decisively in many of the Words.

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