Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 227

O God! Make the Qur’an our companion in this world, and a friend for us in the grave, and at the resurrection an intercessor, and on the Bridge a light, and from the Fire a shield and screen, and in Paradise a companion, and in all good works, a guide and leader. O God! Illuminate our hearts and graves with the light of belief and the Qur’an; and illumine the proof of the Qur’an for  the  sake  of  and  in  veneration  of  the  one  to  whom  the  Qur’an  was revealed, and grant blessings and peace to him and his Family from the Most Merciful One, the Gentle One. Amen.




It has been proved in the previous Signs most decisively and indubitably that the Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was God Almighty’s Messenger. His messengership being thus established through thousands of certain evidences,  Muhammad  the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings  and peace) was the most brilliant and conclusive proof of divine unity and eternal happiness. In this Sign, we  shall  offer  a  concise  and  summary  definition  of  that  shining  evidence,  that articulate proof. For since he is the proof and his conclusion is knowledge of God, we must  surely  recognize  the  proof  and  learn  the  manner  of  his  evidence.  With  an extremely brief summary, therefore, we shall describe in what ways he is a proof of it and its correctness. It is as follows:

Like all the beings  in the universe,  God’s Noble  Messenger  (Upon whom  be blessings and peace) pointed through his own self to the Creator of the universe’s existence  and unity;  and he proclaimed  with  his tongue that evidence  of his self, together with the evidence offered by all beings. Since he himself was the evidence, we shall point in fifteen Principles to his proof and integrity, his truthfulness and veracity.

First Principle:This proof, who indicated the universe’s Maker with both his self, and his tongue, and his conduct, and his speech, was both verified by the reality of the universe, and was veracious. For the evidence to divine unity made by all beings is surely confirmation of the one who proclaimed that unity. That is to say, the cause he proclaimed  is verified  by the whole universe.  Also,  since  the perfection  of divine unity and absolute good of eternal happiness he expounded are in agreement and conformity  with the beauty  and  perfection  of all the truths  of the world,  he was certainly veracious in his cause. That is to say, the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was an articulate proof of divine unity and eternal happiness who was both veracious and verified.

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