Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 229
Also, through all his  sincerity,  fear  of  God,  seriousness,  reliability,  and  all  his  other  qualities  and conduct, he showed that he was not speaking his own ideas in his own name, but was speaking in the name of his Creator. In addition, all those who penetrate to realit y who heed him have affirmed him with the truths they have investigated and laid open; they have believed with knowledge of certainty (ilmelyakîn) that he was not speaking on his own behalf, but that the Creator of the universe was causing him to speak and teaching, teaching by means of him. In which case, his veracity and truthfulness are supported by the consensus of these four powerful principles.

Fifth Principle: And that Interpreter of Pre-Eternal Speech saw spirit beings, conversed with angels, and offered guidance to men and jinn. He received knowledge surpassing the world of men and jinn, and even the worlds of spirits and the angels; he had access to, and relationships with, the realms that lie beyond theirs. The miracles mentioned  previously  and  the  story  of  his  life,  which  have  the  authenticity  of consensus, all prove this fact. In which case, unlike soothsayers and others who give news of the Unseen, no jinn, no spirit being, no angel, and apart from Gabriel, not even the highest angels in attendance on God Almighty, could interfere in the tidings he gave. And on some occasions, he even left Gabriel, his companion, behind.

Sixth Principle: And that person, the lord of the angels, jinn, and men, was the most illumined and perfect fruit of the tree of the universe, and the personification of divine mercy, and the exemplar of dominical love, and the most luminous proof of the Truth,  and  the  most  radiant  lamp  of  reality,  and  the  key to  the  talisman  of  the universe, and the solver of the riddle of creation, and the expounder of the wisdom of the world, and the herald of divine sovereignty, and the describer of the beauties of dominical art, and in regard to the comprehensiveness  of his disposition, he was the most complete example of the perfections of beings. In which case, these attributes of his and his spiritual personality indicate, indeed, show that this being was the ultimate cause of the universe’s existence; that is to say, the universe’s Creator looked to this being and created the universe.  It may be said that if He had not created him, He would not have created the universe. Yes, the truths of the Qur’an and lights of belief he brought to men and jinn, and the elevated virtues and exalted perfections apparent in his being are a decisive witness to this fact.

Seventh Principle: And that proof of the Truth and lamp of reality demonstrated a religion and Shari‘a that comprise principles ensuring the happiness of this world and the next. Moreover, besides being comprehensive, they explain with complete correctness the universe’s truths and functions, and the Creator of the universe’s names and attributes.

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