Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 278
Just as the one who brought about  yesterday will bring about tomorrow, so the All-Powerful One who created the past will also create the future. The All-Wise Maker who made this world, will also make the hereafter.

“Yes, just as the All-Powerful One of Glory is the only one truly deserving of worship; so He is the only one deserving of praise. Just as worship is exclusively His, so are praise and laudation His alone.”

Is it at all possible that an All-Wise Maker who created the heavens and the earth would leave without purpose human beings, who are their most important result and the most perfect fruit of the universe? Is it at all possible that He would hand them over to causes and chance,  that He would transform  His self-evident  wisdom into futility? God forbid! Is it at all possible that having planned then formed a tree, giving it the utmost importance, and having administered it and raised it with the greatest wisdom, someone who was wise and knowing would ignore its fruits, which are its aim and purpose? Would he attach no importance to them, and leave them either for thieves  or to rot scattered  on the ground? Of course  it would be impossible.  It is because of its fruit that the tree is given importance.

Now, man is the intelligent being of the universe and its most perfect fruit, result, and aim. Is it possible that the universe’s All-Wise Maker would give to others the praise and worship, and thanks and love, which are the fruits of its intelligent and conscious fruits, thus causing His self-evident wisdom to be nullified, His absolute power transformed  into impotence,  and His all-encompassing  knowledge  converted into ignorance? God forbid! A hundred thousand times!

Since intelligent beings are the pivot of the dominical aims in the palace of the universe, and man is the most eminent of intelligent beings, is it at all possible that the thanks and worship he offers in response to the bounties he receives should go to anyone other than the palace’s Maker, and that the Glorious Maker would permit the thanks and worship due to Him, which are the ultimate aim of man’s creation, to go to another?

Moreover, is it at all possible that He would make Himself loved by intelligent beings through the endless varieties of His bounties, and that He would make Himself known to them through the innumerable miracles of His art, and then, attaching no importance  to them, abandon to causes and nature their thanks  and worship,  their praise and love, their recognition and gratitude. Is it at all possible  that He would make His absolute wisdom denied and the sovereignty of His dominicality nullified? God forbid! A hundred thousand times, God forbid!

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